With trends and fads constantly changing, it’s hard to know what will last and what will pass. If you look at how design has evolved just in the last decade, it seems like everything is moving into a simpler, minimal look. The Apple logo is a great example not just because it represents how their brand identity has changed, but also because it highlights how their product and interface design have mirrored that change.
Classic vs Out-of-Date
There’s a difference between a timeless design and an outdated one. It’s what separates simple, classy, and elegant from clunky, common, and dull. Some brands that represent a timeless look are Coca Cola, Apple, Nike, and Disney. This is not to say that these businesses found their perfect aesthetic the first time around. These companies have evolved with the times, going through tweaks, changes, and clean ups to stay relevant, yet still true to their originality.
What sets these businesses apart from yours isn’t just their net worth. They’re iconic, recognizable, and different enough to be set apart from others but still loved by millions.
Sommerfield Productions
Our brand recently went through a change of our own! We decided to completely update Sommerfield Productions because we felt that as we were moving forward as a company, we were looking to appeal to a different crowd. So we nixed the old logo, colors, and style to represent a business that would be more likely to work with our prospective clients.
Our new brand style needed to have a friendly, classic feeling. It’s sort of old-Hollywood meets coffee shop vibe, which was the goal! We really wanted to be immersed into the food industry, meaning we needed to appeal to restaurants, coffee shops, breweries, etc. The color palette of muted browns and oranges with the contrast of a dusty blue sets us apart from other marketing firms, but makes us right at home with our target audience.
Your Turn
Of course, you may not become the next Nike, but there are things you can do to improve your brand that will expand your company’s vision.
Take a look at your logo. Is it versatile and different enough from your competitors'? If it has wording in it, what typeface are you using and have you customized it to add interest and individuality? Does your color palette reflect the mood of your brand?
Is the look and feel of your brand identity consistent throughout your product design, labels, website, social media graphics, marketing materials, and everything else that is linked to your logo? If not, it may be time to rediscover who your company is and what it wants to be.
Join the Conversation
After assessing your brand identity, what do you notice that seems out of date or out of place that can use some revamping?